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Submitted by David She is a really good girl, and we adore her! Even her bark is cute! The 2 dogs share beds and sofas and are starting to play more and more! Thank you.
Hey everybody! I just finished working with my new mom and I am exhausted! You would be so proud of us, that's me and my new family, we spent two hours with Paul at K-9 City last night! And Paul really likes me:). I worked really hard and I am trying to be really good for my family! Thanks for helping me find them!
This is Ruby, she was known as Princess when she lived at the MV Shelter. As you may recall she is mostly blind but she has acclimated beautifully to her new home. She is doing very well,,dog park every day. She loves playing with the other dogs and has the sweetest disposition,,,and she has yet to bark. My neighbors REALLY appreciate that.
Hi everyone! I adopted Sophie, the 5 year old Turkish Van in January, and I was writing to give you an update!! She has settled in really nicely, and now pretty much thinks she runs the home. She was shy at first, but as really opened up. She snuggles at night, and is very friendly to guests. She loves to play and look at the window. I know she had a rough start to life, so I'm really happy that
The pup is working out great, he is such a little articulate character and very loving and expressive :)
Mia (Harley) is doing amazing!! She is such a sweet heart!! We love her so much and she brings us so much joy everyday! :)
Thought we'd share a couple of pictures of Hannah's first day at our house. She's been rather tentative. We had a slight challenge getting her to accept her pills last night. She finally took her first bit of food about 11:00 pm yesterday. She ate well and drank this morning and went out for a short potty run with success. Success in getting the morning pill. Thanks, we'll keep in touch.
Hi guys! I know it's only been a few days since I brought Odie (who you know as tic tac and I thought would be Otis) home, but I'm so in love with him already that I wanted to send you some photos. He's settling in really nicely and his little personality is definitely already showing. He lovessssss long hikes - I think we've probably walked like 20 miles this weekend already! He already has some
Milo is doing fine. Eating well, sleeping well and getting exercise.Had him to Dr. Echolds this morning and he thinks Milo is more like two years old instead of five.Attached is photo with chew bone hanging out side of mouth.
We are in love with Harper and she is the Queen around here. She finds her most comfortable, cozy, perfect spot to snooze while waiting for her next walk. So happy she found her forever home with us.
We just wanted to let you know that Kaya (formerly Rosie) is doing great! She is such a good-natured, sweet dog and is getting lots of love and attention!! She's really calm in the house, but when we give her the chance to run, boy is she fast!! Needless to say, she's getting lots of runs/walks!! Getting her acquainted with our 2 kitties (named Chex and Trix when we adopted them from you) is
Hi there, Just thought we'd send a quick note to say how much we love these two. We believe they love us too and appear to be quite happy in their home. They are completely cat friendly now. We finished dog training and have plans to continue with K9 City. Paul the trainer has been very helpful. Again, many thanks!
You know what the say about sleeping dogs! Hobbs did great his first night and here he is snoozing after a busy day of ball chasing and shopping at the pet store.Pat, Larry, Sammy and Hobbs say thank you for watching over him until we could meet. Update: Here is a video of Hobbs having fun with one of my grandkids. We are enjoying this little guy so much. He fits in with our family perfectly. He
Good morning MV animal shelter team, We wanted to send you guys an update and a picture. We finally got a good pix!We named her Cali and that is her brother Major, a cream Persian (he was recently shaved). They are getting along amazingly, they play whenever they get the chance. She has also taken to our 4 year old son, she loves hanging out with us when we're playing cars or Legos. She also
I wanted to share a picture of Bonnie on her first day in her new home. I haven't been able to catch a picture of Clyde yet, but will send one soon.They are wonderful kitties, and we are thrilled beyond words. Thank you for blessing our family with them.
For the first months, Ella would shred the first thing she could find the second we stepped outside, even if we were just a minute to take out the trash. She had terrible separation anxiety, which was understandable considering how many transfers of ownership she had been through. She was afraid of everything and slow to warm up and trust. Our dog Daisy was her little mentor and taught her how to
Two years ago today this precious boy joined our family and it was the best decision we ever made. We had a rocky start (he jumped out of my car into Candy's arms in the shelter parking lot to avoid going home with me) but he settled in so fast and with the help of his new sister Daisy, learned that having a home can be pretty cool. He is such a loving, sensitive, snuggly boy and our lives would
We are soooo excited. It's like he's always been a member of our family! Thank you so much!!! The boys are loving him!!
We adopted Stella in September 2013. She continues to be a real joy two and a half years later! Stella still loves to do somersaults, jump off walls and entertain us non-stop! Pretty sure she is from another planet, once knew Superman. and got her hands on some Kryptonite! Thank you Mission Viejo Animal Shelter! (The first photo if right after her adoption in 2013, the second photo was taken in
We are loving having Eloise as our new family member. My older daughter and Eloise have a special bond and go to sleep together every night just like the picture below. Thank you and much love and light to you all for taking care of all the fur babies till they find their living forever homes❤
We adopted Mickey one month ago. He has been a handful! He has boundless energy, and is extremely smart. He loves going to Wags and Wiggles where he can play hard, and we have also started obedience lessons there, and found out what a quick learner he is. He is full of love and curious about everything! One of his favorite activities is watching TV, especially the Puppy Bowl or anything else with
Submitted by Lynnette Jasper was adopted in January and his new mom, Lynnette, had this to say about him: "Can't imagine life without him." It sounds like a purrfect match!
Here is a picture and video of Chuckie. He is still a little shy but getting acclimated and more confident each day. He is curious and even went in the shower today to drink water! He is eating and drinking and is coming out of his shell.
Hello! Just wanted to give an update on Tyson. We adopted him with the name "Billy". We decided to go with Tyson because on our drive from finding him on the side of the road, to driving him to the shelter, he was giving me so many kisses on my ear that he bit it! Now getting to know and love him, he loves to give love nibbles so his name is fitting! Tyson is doing great! After a first night of
Hi there! I wanted to let you all know that Harrison, who was adopted on 1/13/16 is doing great! His new name is Bowie (David Bowie died the week of his adoption and they both have one light and one dark eye). He has settled right into his new home and is so incredibly loved and cared for. He is so sweet and gentle, loving, mellow, healthy, etc. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for