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In case you were wondering, yes, this relaxed and happy kitty is Hurley, the 7 year old (44 in human years) guy who was constantly hiding under his blanket.It took a couple days for him to warm up and feel at home.He turned out to be such a sweetheart! He's well behaved, and haven't once scratched or bit me.I can't believe how this kind of affectionate sunshine could end up on a street. All he
To the Docents of the animal shelter, We just wanted to let you all know that we are very happy with Rose our cat that we adopted from the shelter last month. We call her Rosie. She is very affectionate and finally stopped hiding. She has adjusted very well to our home. She has lots of energy. She definitely does not like having a bath. We tried but are going to take her to the local Vet for
Adoption Success Story! 
This is our Roxy. We got her in July 2016 and we love her very much. The first pic is what she looked like when we got her (with short hair) and then after a grooming in December. She is funny and sweet and loves to get tummy rubs. She loves her doggie sister Sophie and the big bed with the king size pillow she gets to sleep on every night. She likes to sit on the back of the couch, on the couch
We adopted Haiku in January 2017.  She has been a great addition to our family. She loves to snuggle and use her voice to get attention.  We decided not to change her name; Haiku fits her perfectly.  
Update on Max (Maximus) Moore!We just wanted to share a few pics and memories that we've made in the short time Max has been part of our family. He's turned out to be the perfect dog for us!Max loves"¦Long walks and running through the grass"¦Car rides"¦Snuggles"¦Trips to the dog park"¦He looks really handsome after a trip to the groomer! But it never lasts long - he loves getting dirty.His human
Hello, We adopted Kopi(formerly Fivel) as a companion to our 14 year old Bichon Snoopy.   Well, they get along great!  We all love Kopi to death.  He just has the greatest personality, friendly to everyone and everything.  We couldn't be happier! 
We adopted cat Star on March 18th.  While very sweet looking, she really didn't stand out from the other cats and had been at the shelter for almost three weeks.  She wasn't eating and didn't have much energy.  Because Star was so listless, the shelter arranged for her to be seen by veterinarian Dr. McCarthy, who found that Star had a slight stomach inflammation and put her on a gastrointestinal
Happy Easter!  Love, Bugsy 
Just wanted to send these right away. Beretta is so happy and comfortable at our home. First she was so excited smelling everything, then she jumped on the couch for a tummy rub and a nap. We all love her. I will send more pictures later on.
It's been months and we wanted to send an update on our kitten Keanu (aka Rhyme) He has been so amazing from the second we left! The first day we brought him home he was so comfortable, walked around the house with no fear like he owned it! Lives to be held, sleeps on our laps and is very vocal when he's hungry! We love him to pieces and recently he was lucky enough to model for a photographer!!
Dear Mission Viejo Animal Services Staff and Volunteers, It is with great pleasure to say that our hearts are full with Lilly as a member of our family. She warmed up to our home within a few hours after arriving. She knows where the litter box is and used it. Although she ate just a little, she is purring loudly, happily lounging around the house, and curiously exploring her new home. It's been
Delilah adopted me last month and she is doing wonderfully in her new forever home!  She adjusted immediately to her new surroundings.  She loves her cat tree and spends much of her time there snoozing or looking out onto the patio.  She also watches TV (yes, she is that kitty) and she sleeps with me at night - how great is that?!  She even plays 'tea party' with her favorite toys.  I'll find one
I thought you might like a few more pictures.  He is adjusting quite well I think.  He doesn't let me out of his sight if he can help it.  Pic 1. Where is Nigel. Pic 2. There he is. Pic 3. I finally got a good full face pic.   Love him lots.  thank you for such a nice little pet.
Hi All,  I adopted Cookie (you called her Caitlin) last June.  She was just in my office checking on me and has now gone off to do cat things elsewhere in the house.  She is very affectionate, only gets on the counters and furniture when I'm not looking -- and thinks I don't know -- and always goes to the door when the bell rings to see who's coming to visit her.   Thanks for bringing such a
Hello: I wanted to let you know that we adopted lyric now Basil back in Jan.   She is completely settled in & is spoiled by her humans. Also her older sister Tomato now loves to play with her. We adopted Tomato 6 years ago from you. Thank you much. 
DAWG had paid for the adoption fee and medical care for the dog we adopted in Feb of 2016 (Sharpie - we call her Sophie now).  She's been a great dog, has good manners, quickly got over her anxiety of being left alone for a few hours etc.. Not sure why she was at the shelter as long as she was, but everyone else's loss is our gain. :)  We've recently started taking her to the La Paws park, she's
I think we will keep the name you had assigned to him.  He seems to answer to that better than any we have tried so far.  It just seems to fit him.  He doesn't seem to like having his picture taken, but I have managed to get 3 so far.  I will attach and you can see by the first one what I mean about not wanting his picture taken.  He walked away just as I was about to snap the pic.  The one in
Hi,Just thought you'd enjoy seeing your cat "Sterling" bonding with our cat (also rescued) in her new home. She still does not accept human contact very well but she is liking her new digs and we love her too! Her new name is "Valentine" since she was rescued on Valentine's Day. :) Thank you! 
It has been a month since I adopted my little Nellie and Nola.  I love my little girls.  I can say with pride that they are well adjusted into their new home and play and romp and flop down to sleep in their own bed and cuddle (when they haven't jumped into my bed).  They play fig ht as all dogs do but not with intent to harm, like to chew on all their toys, hard and soft, and somehow make me
My family cannot appreciate our gratitude to the shelter.  We brought 'Maui' home on 9/11/2002. Animal Services found her abandoned at a dog park. We gave her a new name - Jasmine - and she spent the last 14+ years with us. We have two girls, and Jasmine was essentially our third daughter. She went dang near everywhere with us. Yesterday she passed away, and we've had a little time to reflect on
Ophelia aka Macadamia is doing great! She has adjusted to our home very well. Ophelia learned how to sit, come here, shake, high five, give hugs and kisses! She loves to bird watch and cuddle. Her favorite toy is a stuffed panda. Ophelia sends hugs and kisses to all the great staff at the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter! Thank you again! 
Dear wonderful people at the shelter, Andy now known as Ollie has brought so much happiness, love and joy the to our lives. We can't express the gratitude we have for all of the employees and volunteers that cared for him while he was waiting to be adopted by our family.Thank you so much for choosing us to love and care for Ollie! He's so happy here and I will send some videos that show him in
Happy New Year! We adopted 'Lil' on 11/13/16 and she is doing great! We renamed her Dixie and she loves her big brother Bandit. She was 3 lbs 12 oz when we picked her up and now she's a whopping 5 lbs 14 ozs. Lol. She's a mighty, tiny little girl and very happy.  Thank you for her adoption. We love her SO much! Please enjoy her pics that I have attached. Thank you!  
Patches is a wonderful addition to our family. Our golden retriever Daisy has taken to him right away.  Prince is still trying to get used to him but he's doing a little better today than yesterday. Thank you so much for both Prince and now Patches.  They are wonderful additions to our family. Cassie decided that patch is full name is Patches Junior Kinney.  She couldn't decide which name to give