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Success Story - Nellie and Nola

It has been a month since I adopted my little Nellie and Nola.  I love my little girls.  I can say with pride that they are well adjusted into their new home and play and romp and flop down to sleep in their own bed and cuddle (when they haven't jumped into my bed).  They play fig ht as all dogs do but not with intent to harm, like to chew on all their toys, hard and soft, and somehow make me laugh when they keep finding the empty toilet paper rolls which I find shredded.  They have almost mastered letting me know when they have to go potty. They go to the door and tap it, come to my leg and tap me (usually together) and go back to the door.  That's my cue.  If they don't make it outside, we have the puppy pads.  We have been to the vet with a clean bill of health.  Please see update photos below. Nola is in pink, Nellie in green and white.

Thank you very much for my Nola and Nellie.  
