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The Dark Side of Glue Traps

Animal Control Officer Nick Ross reveals a distressing incident involving the cruel reality of glue traps. Officer Ross was dispatched to a residence to rescue a bird trapped in a glue trap meant for rats. He encountered a white-crowned sparrow covered in glue, its body and eyes adorned with various items. Unlike traditional snap traps, glue traps subject animals to a slow and agonizing death, trapping them for days until they succumb to starvation, dehydration, suffocation, or exhaustion.

The incident underscores the importance of humane pest control practices, emphasizing that prevention is key. The best pest control starts before needing to set traps. Cleaning areas of debris, trash, and gardening litter away from your home can remove potential nesting areas away from rodents. Eliminate any potential food sources such as seed droppings from bird feeders, low-hanging fruits and vegetables from your garden, and during the fall months make sure to remove pumpkins shortly after the holiday as they are a nice treat for rats. Strong smelling natural products such as peppermint oil and cayenne pepper can be a great deterrent for all rodents.

It serves as a poignant reminder of the consequences of using glue traps and the necessity of responsible pest control methods that prioritize compassion over cruelty.