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January is National Train Your Dog Month

Having a healthy dog means having a canine that is balanced in its emotional and physical needs. Certainly, training and nutrition are key components in a happy, healthy dog. 

Since January is about New Year's resolutions, it is the perfect time for dog owners and folks contemplating a new furry family member to learn about the importance of obtaining dog training. 

Training and socialization are important for ensuring you have a healthy, happy and well-mannered pet. It helps keep you sane, too, because you know how to teach and reinforce his manners.

When pets and their people understand what's expected, fewer dogs end up given away to shelters or abandoned because of behavior problems.

That's certainly a win-win for all and a great bonding experience, too.

January was selected for National Train Your Dog Month because many people get new pets for the holidays. The earlier you get your new puppy socialized, the easier it will be for him to adjust to all kinds of new experiences with confidence for life. 

When you take training classes with your new puppy, you give him the chance to learn how to interact with both people and other puppies/dogs. You also get the chance to learn how to deal with unwanted"”but completely normal"”behaviors. You'll learn what works and what doesn't.

It is never too late to teach an old dog new tricks! If you adopt an adult or even a senior dog, you may be amazed at the dog's ability to concentrate and learn new things. Adult dogs are often even easier to train than pups, simply because they have the ability to focus for a longer period of time. 

Nothing can build and strengthen the human-canine bond like training - whether it's obedience or rally, tricks or free-style, nose work or dock diving - you and your pet will both benefit tenfold!