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January is Walk Your Dog Month

The New Year is the perfect time for setting goals and starting anew. While setting goals for ourselves like losing weight, getting more exercise or eating less processed food are all worthy ambitions, our pets are often overlooked in our New Year’s resolutions. With the endless love and joy they bring us every day, the health and happiness of our furry friends should be among our top priorities for the year ahead.

Walking your dog is just one of the ways we can improve the lives of our dogs, and the New Year is a great time to get started and moving. Dogs need plenty of exercise throughout the year and the best way to keep them active is to take them for regular walks. Even a short walk around the block makes a big difference. So, begin this year with a pledge — better health for you and your dog!


Walk Your Dog Month is a perfect time to blend exercise with bonding time for you and your four-legged friend. The Association of Pet Obesity Prevention released a clinical study in 2017 stating that 56% of dogs in the United States are obese. That equates to more than 50 million dogs across the country.

According to the report, the number of pets with clinical obesity continues to increase. Clinical obesity results in more secondary conditions such as arthritis, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and certain forms of cancer. Pets with obesity also have reduced quality of life and shorter life expectancy.

Regular walks and exercise can help control your dog’s weight and limit the chances of him becoming obese. January may seem too chilly to place an emphasis on dog walking, but that’s why it is the right time to do it. Your dog needs walks year-round, so if you can do so in a colder month, you can walk your furry friend all the time.

dog walking