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June is National Foster a Pet Month

 June is National Foster a Pet Month, and the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center is celebrating by embracing our foster families.  We rely heavily on our volunteer foster caregivers who provide a temporary shelter in their own homes for pets that are not ready for adoption.  Foster caregivers provide these animals with the time and attention that they need while also preparing them to find forever homes.   Most of our fosters care for underage kittens that are too small to be adopted.  Some need to be bottle fed throughout the day and night, while others can eat on their own but need to learn about living with a family.  When these kittens return to the shelter, they are friendly and social.  Many have interacted with children, other cats, and even dogs, so they make wonderful new family members for their adoptive families.  Our fosters also care for pregnant cats or those that are nursing their newborn kittens.  Caring for these little families is special.  Being able to watch as the kittens are born and grow is an incredible experience, and our fosters love this opportunity.  It is less common for our foster to care for pregnant dogs and puppies, but the need occasionally arises.  Some pets need foster care after having a major surgery.  These post-surgical animals are much happier in a home where they can heal in comfort.  MVAS prides itself on 100% supporting our foster parents.  We supply all necessary equipment, food, litter, toys, beds and such for the care of our foster pets.  Our foster coordinator is available 24/7 in case any questions or concerns arise while the pet is in foster.  If you are interested in opening your home temporarily as a foster parent, contact 949-470-3045 or visit cmvas.org