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Living with Wildlife October 2019

Happy fall! 

It seems everyone I've talked to is excited that summer has passed, and autumn has arrived! Fall brings many changes to our weather, and our native plants and animals adjust seasonal changes in weather to maximize conditions for their lifecycles. 

Our local Southern California climate creates a unique environment. Most places in the U.S. experience cold winters, which is a time of quiet or dormancy for plants and animals. We are fortunate to have nice mild winters and local flora and fauna respond accordingly. For many of our local species, our period of dormancy is summer when we experience high temperatures. The fact that our plants and animals have their quiet time in the summer makes our fall an important time for activity and growth"”especially for plants which become food sources for animals.  

The earth is tilted on its axis, which affects the amount of sun across the surface of the planet. As the earth orbits the sun every 365 ¼ days, the axis is always pointing in the same direction into space, with the North Pole toward Polaris, the North Star. Around June 22, the northern hemisphere is angled toward the sun and receives the most direct sun energy. This is the start of summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere. 

Earth Orbit

image credit: noaa.gov
Six months later in December, the earth has completed half a revolution around the sun. The northern hemisphere is now angled away from the sun and receives less energy than the southern hemisphere. This is the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere. From north to south, the results of the distribution of solar energy can be seen in changing vegetation, animal behaviors, temperatures and day length.

Seasonal changes in precipitation and temperature affect many things such as soil moisture, evaporation rates, water flows and water levels. These changes affect vegetation - the type and amount of food available for animals to consume - and regulate much of their behavior.  I love the cooler days and the feel of fall. It's also a great time to get outdoors and enjoy our local wildlife making the most of our fabulous climate!