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Rescue Round-Up November 2021

In September, Mission Viejo Animal Services visited the San Bernardino Animal Shelter to assist with dogs that were part of a hoarding case in their area. While walking around the facility, ACO Stewart caught a glimpse of a tiny 4-pound chihuahua in the corner of one of the kennels. Although we were there to focus on different dogs that day, we could not leave this tiny little guy behind - and there is always room for one more. Therefore, ASO Stewart sat in the kennel with tiny pup until the dog was comfortable enough to be held and then loaded him in the back seat of the truck for the ride home. Although small, the dog has a huge personality, so we named him Macho Nacho. He was quickly adopted by a local family with another dog, and they recently sent us the following update:

Macho Nacho is doing great!

We thought we would have to carry him a little bit on our walks with Luigi, since we walk at least 15-20 minutes four times a day. Nope! Macho Nacho walks the whole time. He likes to get under Luigi's leg while he pees, and he quickly learned to keep his distance, so he doesn't get sprayed. Macho Nacho doesn't like people walking behind him, so we tell our neighbors to pass us on the sidewalk. They have not established who is alpha yet, probably because we are potty-training Macho Nacho. We thought for sure it would be Luigi, but it might be Macho Nacho. We shall see.

Thank you so much for the loving baby love. We are in heaven. You all did a great job rescuing him. We are keeping his name. 

Take care,
Jim and Geri

Mission Viejo Animal Services is grateful to Jim and Geri for opening their hearts and home to this little angel.

Macho Nacho 3
Macho Nacho 2
Macho Nacho