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September is Responsible Dog Ownership Month

If there is a canine companion in your life, Responsible Pet Ownership Month encourages you to make a promise to your dog and everyone affected by him. Dogs bring many benefits into our lives and to ensure they remain healthy, happy and safe, we must be diligent about their well-being and those around them.  

Before adopting, consider all the care involved when taking in a forever companion.  Their size, energy, medical care, temperament and many other needs are the owner's responsibility.

Here are seven things to consider before bringing home a new dog:

1. Having a pet is a big commitment.
From getting them acclimated to your home to figuring out care schedules, new pets will take a lot of time and consideration. Make sure you've really thought through the amount of dedication needed for a successful adoption.

2. Do your research.
When it comes to getting a new pet, visiting your local shelter is only the beginning.
Once you find an animal you're interested in adopting, do some research. You want to learn all there is to know about your prospective pet as well as find local vets and animal hospitals, animal play groups, and read up on apartment policies regarding pet ownership.
This will guarantee you and your living environment are ready for the newest addition to your family.

3. Your new pet means a new, long-term commitment.
Dogs can live an average of 10-15 years. Making sure everyone involved in the care of your pet is on board for the long haul is a must. It's essential to predict any life changes over the next several years. That includes thinking through foreseeable living situations that could prevent your adopted pet from following the family.

4. Love at first sight isn't enough.
Don't just consider which dog is the cutest. While love at first sight is an appealing notion to any potential pet owner, there's something even more pressing to take in to account: personality. Figuring out what you want out of your pet will help you make the smartest adoption choices possible, so be honest with yourself. Looking deeper than first impressions and age will help, too.
5. Even adopted dogs need training.
Even if you're adopting the oldest dog in the place, you might still be in for a bit of training to help his transition. Whether it's teaching your new pet which areas are off limits or where the litter box is, there will be necessary lessons. Be ready to start training on day one.
Socializing your new companion with kids and other animals for their behavioral health and development along with dedicated training that enforces positive behavior is the key to success. 

6. You'll need to fine-tune your house before any paws touch the floor.
Be sure to tame loose wires, locate any small items that could easily be swallowed and get rid of toxic houseplants.

You should also purchase items such as toys, food, water dishes, collars, leashes and beds in advance. Making the environment comfortable and fully stocked with necessities will help the transition even easier for both you and your pet.

7. Be flexible.

Putting the dog bed in the corner of the room may keep your living room's aesthetic intact, but it may not work for your new pet. Adjusting in slightly inconvenient ways is essential to adoption success.

Be prepared to address issues that come up with your adopted pet including behavioral and health needs that may not be readily apparent before you adopt. While some situations may be less than ideal, adopting a pet means taking on those unexpected challenges.

Adoption Photo