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Macho Nacho

Macho Nacho is doing great! This is within 10 minutes of us getting home for the first time with him (and Luigi). He pretty much made himself right at home. 

We thought we would have to carry him a little bit on our walks with Luigi, since we walk at least 15-20 minutes, 4 times a day.  Nope!  Macho Nacho walks the whole time.  He likes to get under Luigi's leg while he pees and he learned real quick not to get too close because he gets sprayed.  Macho Nacho doesn't like people walking behind him, so we have to tell our neighbors to pass us on the sidewalk.  When we drove him home from your facility, he did not get car sick.  But we drove slow and took the turns easy.They have not established who is alpha yet, probably because we are potty training Macho Nacho.  We thought for sure it would be Luigi, but it might be Macho Nacho!  We shall see.

Thank you so much for the very loving baby love.  We are in heaven.  You all really did a great job rescuing him.  We are keeping his name.  :-)

Macho Nacho
Macho Nacho
Macho Nacho