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Hi. Just wanted to update you on Drew's progress now that we have had him for two weeks. We first renamed him Merlyn, but have decided on Max instead.

We find Max to be very energetic, playful (seems like he can play forever), and affectionate. He is boisterous in his approach to both people and cats. Unfortunately, his manner can look like aggression, but I think it is mostly enthusiasm. He is learning that hands are not toys (or dangerous), but sometimes he forgets to sheath his claws ... however, most of time he remembers. And he has very soft paws!!

We have two other cats, Daisy and Jasmine. Because of them, Max started off in his own room and we have slowly introduced him to other parts of the house with and without the "girls". Starting on Monday he could roam most of the house on his own, although we are still keeping him in his room at night so everyone can have a restful sleep.

On first meeting, Max and Daisy greeted each other with pleasant vocalizations (blurps and merps) and touched noises. So they definitely recognized each other and do not have an antagonistic relationship. Daisy is still guarded toward Max being in her house, but they have had a few short playful encounters -  as well as some "positional" encounters (determining cat ranking). A couple days ago they were having a play chase until they ran into the path of a human and that scared off Max. 

Jasmine is not so comfortable with Max and hisses at him on principle. But she will come in the room where he is and watch him. I think she wants to keep an eye on him. We don't expect them to be buddies, but if they can relax in each other's company, we will be satisfied.

Thanks for taking care of Max and trying to place him. I'll send you an updated picture when his fur has grown in. :)

