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Success Story - Marshmellow

Hey! I can't thank you guys enough, the front desk, vet, and especially the supportive volunteers in the kitten room. I re named him Marshmallow. He loves running and jumping, and playing is his litter box. We've been spoiling him, and got him a cat tower, which he's in love with. He has accepted our dog, as our dog has slowly met him. At night after he runs around for a couple hours, he falls asleep in my arms when I rub his tummy,laying him on his back. He's so intelligent,outgoing, and full of love. I'm so happy that I made the decision to adopt from you guys, and thank you for all the help on finding my kitten. We will keep you posted, and we are excited to see what the future has to hold for our family. Marshmallow is in great hands!
