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Success Story - Missy

To Whom It May Concern,

I adopted Missy in the spring of 2005. She is white lab who as a puppy was sold to a blind man as a companion (not a working dog), by a breeder.  She was well cared for and an indoor only dog. Unfortunately, her owner became ill and she was given back to the breeder; however, due to being spayed she was not much use to him. He put her in the backyard and left her there. Not being used to being alone and outdoors, she kept jumping the fence and running to the front door. She ended up cutting her leg open, which the breeder so kindly sewed up with green thread and a sewing needle. After becoming infected, her brought her to your facility. 

I had lost a lab about 5 years prior to this and was finally ready for another lab to fill the void. I had a friend who was volunteering at the shelter and told her to keep a look out for a male lab, preferably yellow. Two days later she called to tell me a white, 2 year old lab was brought in but it was a female. I drove over on my lunch break to take a look at her. 

It was the saddest sight"¦ all the dogs would meet me at the door of the run, but not her. She was curled up in the very back corner and refused to come to me. She was scared, thin, shy, and I fell in love with her. After sitting at the door for ten minutes she finally came over reluctantly. I put in an application for her and was told there were 4 others ahead of me. I was heart broken but hopeful she would be mine and a week later I received a call that I was approved to adopt her! When I picked her up, she was so happy and nothing like the dog she was hiding in her pen. 

She and I from that day on did everything together. She was scared of men, being alone, and was very head shy. I knew she had been through a lot, but she had a big heart. She slowly came out of that shell and is now a confident dog who loves everyone who will give her attention. Missy and I have been together for 11 years now and we moved to Virginia eight years ago. She always loved the beach and now she loves the snow.  She just recently turned 14 and she is slowing down due to arthritis, but she still has that big heart and aims to please. She has been with me through some very hard times and very happy ones too, but most of all she has been the most loyal dog. I assume she thinks I saved her, but in reality she saved me and filled a huge void. My daughter grew up with her and if I am not home, she will be by my daughter's side. 

Missy doesn't act 14 but I can see her slowing down. I hope for another year or two with her, but the reality is we are on some borrowed time. I want to extend my thank you for allowing her and I to be together and picking me over the other four families in front of my application. My family loves her and she has been nothing but a blessing. I have enclosed recent photos of my beautiful girl. I thank you again for bring us together and 11 years later we are still a perfect match! 
