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Success Story - Wookie

Here's (a picture of) Wookie tonight.  Sound asleep.  Probably the most sound sleep he has had in months.  He had a good day.  We got home and did a "pack walk" with Roxanne, my schnauzer, and then she introduced him to her backyard.  He did so well.  Then she introduced him to her house.  Wookie is house trained.  He only had one accident. He learned how to go to the back door and go out.   He will actually sit at the back door and wait for you.  He is a very well trained dog.  He does not jump on furniture.  He won't at all, matter of fact, even if you invite him.  Very mannerly gentleman!

He knows tricks!  He knows how to sit and to lay down for treats!    He does not jump on my Mom (87 years old) and is very very gentle with her.  He got his shampoo and condition bath and smells wonderful.  Put flea preventative on.  Did well during that.  We go to the vet tomorrow to get heartworm preventative and a baseline lab test just so we know "who he is" in case there are any issues in the future.  Thanks so much for the vet list.  I used it.

We went on a walk for a very long time tonight with Roxanne.  That is Roxanne and my nightly routine and it was nice to have a companion tonight. I think Wookie has some type of "herding dog" in him.  He herds Roxanne when we walk and she loves it.  It's so cute to watch and she lets him!  Match made in heaven.  He loves to play and bark.  He loves to roll around on the rugs and scratch his back.  

Someone asked me today at work - so you rescued a dog?  I said "No, he rescued us."  And that is the honest truth

Thank you to the Mission Viejo Animal Care Team - you are second to none.  Of course, I'll write 5 star reviews on Google, Yelp and whoever else wants to listen to me.  Thank you for our Wookie Dog."
