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Hi. I believe it was May of 2019 that i adopted Finn, a senior male Maltese that was blind and almost completely deaf. He also had a Mitral valve prolapse. I was staying with my mom in MV carrying for her until she passed later in the year. She enjoyed Finn's company so much. 

January  of 2020 Finn drove to MI with me. He was such a trooper. He is such a sweetheart! His heart has gotten much worse, but he seems to be hanging on quite well with his heart med and water pill. 

He has a girlfriend that he spends time with a couple days a week. She is a 2 year old Bichon. They are so fun to watch. 

I've been meaning to touch base with you to let you know how well Finn is doing. We love each other so much. Thank you for the wonderful work you all do! 
