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Rescue Round-Up

Along with rescuing dogs, through our A Mission for Home Rescue Program, we rescue cats and kittens.  Last October, when OC Animal Care was overflowing with kittens, we transferred nine from that shelter to ours.  Since they came from a busy shelter, most of them immediately showed signs of upper-respiratory infection, so we had to isolate and treat them for two weeks.  DAWG paid for their treatment so they could be adopted.  Two grey siblings - Misty and Ranger - were adopted together, and we recently received this update from their adopters:

Arguably, these two are no longer kittens, but they continue to entertain and amuse us with their antics and curiosity. They have identified, explored, and conquered every nook and cranny of our home. Apparently, we inhabit one the world's greatest feline amusement parks!

Two cats will definitely need more upkeep, but the payoff is tons of laughs, fun, and love. They have been great with the grandkids and visa-versa. My wife claims they have become the "soul of our home" and I must agree!

Kindest regards,


We appreciate James for this wonderful update and opting to adopt!

Misty and Ranger