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Gwen & Charlotte (Formerly Olivia & Bailey)

Yaaay for Olivia, the beige tabby kitten, and her sister, Bailey, the unusual looking black tortoiseshell kitten !

Poor Bailey ! I visited Olivia 4X before she came home and saw that nobody but NOBODY was loving on Bailey. So I kinda/sorta had BOTH in mind when I came April 25 to pick up Olivia. I asked at the front desk if she had been adopted out yet and learned that no one had put in an application for her.

Because I already have the older 2 brother-sister rescue cats, I made a giant, safe nest out of my big bonus room upstairs to safekeep the kittens and get them acclimated to their new home. While Olivia took off running and climbing, little Bailey was unsure and uncertain. She certainly WANTED to follow her sister in exploring their new and exciting environment, but she was just too timid to leap with abandon. But that was SATURDAY. On Sunday, the little Tortie proved herself fearless and fun !

These are healthy and very happy kittens ! I'll be "introducing" them in a week or so to their elder sister and brother, Emma and George, and then we can be one happy family together.

Many thanks to the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter. "Gwen" (the little beige tabby, Olivia) and "Charlotte" (the black & orange mash-up Tortoiseshell, Bailey) are certainly very happy and have found their very loving forever home!
