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Dandy & Lacey (Formerly Dave & Karen)

Hi, this is Lacey speaking. Mom named me that because my white lacy collar is the only way she could tell me and my brother Dandy apart at the beginning. Our little personalities have emerged quite a bit, though. You can see how daintily I am eating my Dentastix in the picture, while Mom refers to Dandy as a pork chop. He gobbles everything right down!

We have learned SO MUCH in three weeks: how to be in a house with doors, a TV, a vacuum and a washing machine; how to sleep in a crate at night; and how to ride in the car. Mom said we were rock stars at potty training. We only had two accidents in the house, and she said they were both her fault. We LOVE our walks because the volunteers at the shelter taught us what leashes are all about. We're not so crazy about the dog park, though--too many dogs! We don't understand their language yet. Did you know I used to be a traffic cop? When a dog chases a ball, I run after him and yell at him until he stops! Then I trot back to Mom and wait for the next speeder to come along. Or if they run in circles, I just yell at them each time they go past. We saw our shelter buddies, volunteers Pat and Larry, at the park one day. That was fun!

But best of all, Mom says we are World Champions when it comes to helping her avoid the DCB (Dreaded Cash Buildup). She has spent so much money on fees and supplies and day care that she says she might not have to worry about the DCB again in this lifetime. That makes us so happy, because she adores us and lets both of us sit on her lap at the same time, even though we wiggle a lot. We adore her right back. Bye for now!
