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Success Story - Nigel

I think we will keep the name you had assigned to him.  He seems to answer to that better than any we have tried so far.  It just seems to fit him.  He doesn't seem to like having his picture taken, but I have managed to get 3 so far.  I will attach and you can see by the first one what I mean about not wanting his picture taken.  He walked away just as I was about to snap the pic.  The one in the chair with blue blanket is his favorite spot so far, there is a stuffed dog in the chair too.  I will try to get some better pics in the future and keep you posted.  He is adjusting well and went for his free checkup this morning.  He came through with flying colors, but the vet does think he has some allergies.  No big deal.  She recommended Benadryl for now.  I'm sure glad I picked him.  He has met a neighbor who also has a Chihuahua mix dog and they got along OK, but she tired of his nosiness after a while.  He has met my grand children and loved them.  They played together until they tired him out!  Thank you for this lovely little furbuddy!
