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Success Story - Gracie

We adopted cat Star on March 18th.  While very sweet looking, she really didn't stand out from the other cats and had been at the shelter for almost three weeks.  She wasn't eating and didn't have much energy.  Because Star was so listless, the shelter arranged for her to be seen by veterinarian Dr. McCarthy, who found that Star had a slight stomach inflammation and put her on a gastrointestinal food that Star liked and tolerated.  On top of that, Star had a large hernia.  The shelter had Dr. McCarthy repair the hernia and she did a masterful job.   Star immediately began to feel better, eating voraciously and acting very lively and animated.  I adopted and brought her home the day after her surgery.  Ten days after her operation, Star had gained over ½ pound.
I kept Star in her own room for a week as we have cat Sabrina (who was adopted from the shelter 10 years ago and named by Charlotte!) and Star was still recovering.  When we finally let Star out, she explored the house, but at night would return to her own bedroom to sleep.  Star hissed at Sabrina a few times in the beginning, but Sabrina just ignored her.  Slowly, Star has gotten more confident and now acts like the Walmart Greeter.  She meets us at the door when we come home, loves to be wherever we are, plays with toys and sleeps on 'her' couch upstairs every night.  Star loves to race up and down the stairs, preferably when one of us is walking up or down them.  I see a broken leg in my future.
Star is a quirky, funny, playful, purr machine of a cat.  We are so lucky to have found her.  We changed her name to Gracie, as she is my saving grace.  Thank you to Mission Viejo Animal Services for everything you did to make Gracie healthy and now I think she is really happy.
