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Success Story - Banjo and Shadow

It's been about six months since we adopted Banjo and Shadow, and I thought I'd send you an update. It's hard to imagine life without them! 

I don't want to make it sound like everything has been super easy. Banjo quickly earned the loving nickname "Butthead" with his "I-own-the-world" attitude, but he has learned a lot and we think he's the most adorable, sweet thing! The first pic I attached is my view when I'm brushing my teeth in the morning. How can anyone not fall in love with that adorable underbite? We are still working on his incredibly vocal manner of dealing with everything, but overall he is such a joy to have around. We hired a trainer initially who helped, but I think Banjo and I do better with a more structured class, so I enrolled him in a group class with a second trainer that starts next month. I think he's going to do great. 

Shadow is, of course, very nervous with people, loud noises, etc. We really appreciate that Banjo's supreme confidence helps her to be more willing to explore the world. (Adorable side story: One day Shadow was playing with her frisbee when it accidentally rolled under the end table. She was too scared to go under the table to get it. Banjo came over, studied the situation, and since the frisbee is a little big for him to carry, he dug and dug at the frisbee with his paws until it was close enough for Shadow to grab. Could have been an accident, but I like to think they were cooperating! Banjo has never shown any interest in the frisbee before or since.) The second trainer that I mentioned above is currently giving Shadow one-on-one sessions, and she is doing really well with them. The second pic I've attached is of Shadow practicing one of her homework assignments from training this week: sit and stay x60 seconds at 6 feet. She is also modeling the snazzy backpack we got her, which she loves to wear on our daily walks. I've found that she picks up general dog training quickly -- she can sit, lie down, go to her crate, lie down on a designated blanket, shake hands, sit and stay, come and "touch" my hand. She also generally walks very nicely on the leash now without pulling. We are still working on her anxiety with people and new situations, but I'm confident that with our new trainer we will continue to make steps in the right direction. 

The third pic is of the dogs lounging in the yard. Banjo is basically solar-powered and looooves to sunbathe. Shadow watches him and is learning that relaxing is a good thing. :) 

The fourth pic is of the dogs poised for a race down the stairs. When we first brought them home, it looked like Shadow didn't know what stairs were, and she was terrible at walking up and down. Now she is an expert, and runs up and down confidently. 

The last pic is my favorite, because the dogs are cuddling for a nap, and Shadow has fallen asleep belly-up. I always heard that dogs only fall asleep belly up when they feel very safe, and it makes me happy that she feels safe at home. Falling asleep belly up is pretty normal for her now. 

Anyway, sorry this is so long...I obviously tend to ramble when it comes to the dogs, and I can talk about them all day! Again, thanks to all the people at the shelter for their help in allowing us to share our lives with these great dogs! 
