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Success Story - Ralphy

Things are going great with Ralphy! As soon as we brought him home, it was like he was a different dog. He warmed up to us both pretty quickly, especially with Griff. They became instant best friends. You were right to suggest that Ralph go to a home with another dog. Being around Griff has given him confidence and reassurance during his transition into the home, which has been very important. Ralphy follows his big brother around everywhere and copies everything he does. He especially loves to cuddle with him. They are really great together and their personalities complement each other.

It has been so much fun to watch Ralphy grow over these past two weeks! Every day he's doing something new and fun: wagging his tail for the first time, chasing after a tennis ball, cuddling with me in bed, running to me when I call him. Right now Griff is teaching him how to give me kisses. It's so cute to watch because Ralphy doesn't know how to lick and instead pushes his nose on my face. But he finally did it this weekend!

He's constantly learning and growing. I was really unsure if he would ever get this comfortable when I met him in the shelter but he continues to amaze me. He's such a great dog and is so sweet and loving.

DAWG generously offered to pay for a training session with Ralphy, but he's doing so well I don't think we'll need it after all! Instead I'd them to use it for another dog that might need help during their transition into their new home.

I can't express how thankful I am for you taking care of Ralphy for those seven weeks he was with you at the shelter. I can't imagine not having him in our lives - he fits with us so well!

We will keep in touch and we're hoping to come by to say hi in the next few months.

Thanks again!
