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Raccoon Dumpster Rescue

Officer Stewart was dispatched to a call in Mission Viejo regarding two raccoons stuck in a dumpster. When he arrived, both raccoons were frightened and desperate to get out of the dumpster. He painstakingly removed them both from the dumpster, released them and they both happily ran up a tree.  

Raccoons are found in all types of habitats. They generally prefer to stay close to water sources such as ponds or lakes. Over the past decade, raccoons have become more comfortable living near human communities and do not fear people like most wildlife do. In fact, they can be very bold.   

A nocturnal animal, raccoons ravage properties at night looking for insects, fruits, vegetables, acorns, seeds, fish, and small mammals in the spring. During the other seasons, they feed on acorns, seeds, fruits, vegetables, insects and other invertebrates.    

Live humane trapping is not an alternative to ridding your home, property, or yard of raccoons. Because they are around in such large numbers, it won't be long before another one is attracted to your home. Raccoons are also protected by wildlife laws.

Below are some tips on how you can raccoon-proof your home:

  • Fasten garbage can lids tightly. To prevent toppled trash cans, place your garbage can in some type of anchored rack or tie it to the fence.  
  • Install metal guards around trees, five or six feet above the ground. This will deprive raccoons of access to roof tops and other buildings.
  • Sprinkle your lawn or planters with cayenne pepper to discourage raccoons from grub hunting. Grubs are tiny worm-like bugs that live in your lawn.
  • If you feed your pets outdoors, pick up their bowl after they are done eating and lock pet doors at night to keep raccoons out of the kitchen or garage.       
  • In areas serviced by the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center, we will respond to and remove any raccoon that is injured, sick or deceased or involved in a bite with a human or domestic animal.