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'Tis the season to be thankful!

It's the time of year when we all get busy with decorating and celebrating with friends and family. I love this time of year for many reasons! My favorite part of celebrating is taking time to be thankful. I have so much to be thankful for! Working with animals was my dream as a child and has been my life's work. For that alone, I am so fortunate. But, I've also had the privilege of working with so many amazing people who have dedicated their lives to helping animals. I am inspired and astounded every day.

I have also had the chance to work in some of the most beautiful places in the world. For me, this beauty not only comes from the climate, mountains, oceans and trees but from people and animals. I am thankful when I can see an osprey flying overhead or a raccoon poke its head out of a tree as I walk by. I love that opossums eat snails, that bats eat mosquitos, and that king snakes eat rattlesnakes. I love hiking along our beautiful trails and coming upon deer tracks - and don't get me started on amazing tidepool creatures! We are so lucky to be a part of this community"”all of it! We live in the best place. We have the best community, and we have the best wildlife. We care for each other"”furry and feathered friends included! I am certainly grateful for it all!