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A special message from our Animal Services Manager

We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and well! These past few days have been surreal! Staff who can work from home are, and the rest of us are working in modified ways to minimize our exposure. We are all still working hard to maintain our commitment to high-quality service and providing all essential services as before this crisis. However, because we've modified things, we ask for your patience if you need us.

The support from our community brings tears to my eyes! It is so touching to see how wonderful people are and how much you all care about us and the animals! I feel so fortunate to work in service of you and our community (including our furred, feathered, fined and scaled friends). I want to share that while this message is written by me, these feelings are shared by my entire staff!

We are here, even if our doors are closed. Call or email us - we're here every day from 8 am to 5 pm and check messages after hours. We look forward to getting back to normal operations and seeing your faces soon! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your support!

Tap here to see our essential services video