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Luca Aurora & Roark Phillip

Hiya! I adopted Aurora and Phillip yesterday, and I've taken a, frankly, embarrassing amount of photos and videos within that time. So here is a day 1 update! :) Also, I renamed them to Luca Aurora Russell and Roark Phillip Russell. I kept the names you guys gave them as their middle names!

After my cat, Quaz, passed away a week and a half ago, I was left with a big hole in my heart and I was very sad. After bringing these two kitties home though, I've felt back to my old self! They're little blessings, they've rescued me from a very sad place. I promise that they're going to have the longest, most loving life with me. 

Thank you Mission Viejo Animal Shelter and the foster parent(s) for saving these two babies from the street- I really can't thank you enough. You guys are angels.

I will send more updates as time goes on! Thank you for your hard work!!

Luca Aurora
Roark Phillip
Roark and Luca