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December is National Cat Lovers' Month

The cat’s out of the bag – December is National Cat Lovers’ Month! In celebration, we’ve put together five reasons why owning a cat is awesome.

1. They are Purr-dy Self Sufficient

One of the greatest reasons people love cats is because of their self-sufficiency. They are incredibly low maintenance and independent.

Unlike dogs which normally require regular walks, exercise and baths, cats can do all that themselves. There’s no need for walks. They can get their required exercise from zipping around in their homes.

2. No Bath Time Required

Cats clean themselves. Every once in a while, some will require a bit of cleaning and tidying up, but for the most part, they effortlessly take care of their own hygiene. 

Since cats should only be kept indoors, you don’t have to worry about them getting dirty. 

3. They Add Love to Your Home

There is no doubt one of the main reasons people become pet owners is because of an innate love or affinity for pets. Cats bring tons of love into the home. They are wonderful pets and companions.

4. They’re Quiet

Unlike dogs, cats are not typically loud animals. They are relatively quiet animals. Sure, they’ll meow every now and then, but they don’t bark or snore or even make noise when they walk. 

Cats inadvertently get the sneaky title because of their quiet and almost stealth-mode movements.

5. Housebreaking is Easy

Forget about potty training your cat because they are good at learning to do so on their own. Provide them with a litter box and kitty litter, and they will likely take it from there. They like to have their own space and privacy. 

Of course, no animal is perfect, so your cat may have an accident every once in a while.

If you are interested in adopting a cat or kitten, visit cmvas.org to see all our available pets for adoption. 

Suzie Q