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Ongoing training is essential to keep personnel prepared and animals safe

The pandemic has brought sterilization and decontamination into the forefront of our collective consciousness.  We have become all too familiar with the need to wash our hands and clean our environment after exposure to viruses, chemicals, or even radiation.  However, we may forget that our pets can be exposed to these same pathogens.  Some viruses or chemicals may not be harmful to animals, but they can still be a danger to humans just by carrying these things on their fur.  

As part of our disaster training, the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center recently hosted a Hazmat Awareness Training to teach our Animal Services Officers and Animal Care Technicians how to safely decontaminate animals.  The decontamination process is stressful for the animals and people involved.  Our staff learned how to maintain strict safety guidelines during the decontamination process.  Several of our staff members brought their own dogs to act as "victims," and they were given a good bath!  Mission Viejo Animal Services is always striving to be prepared in case of any disaster or major event to ensure the safety of the community and their pets. 

In addition to that Hazmat awareness training, the center recently conducted large-animal rescue training with Lucky, Jane, and Jango. This training was designed to teach proper technique and protocol for rescuing large animals like horses, cows, llamas, and goats. This type of training is essential in the event of an emergency. Lucky, the 700-pound plastic horse, was used to simulate a rescue and train our officers on how to safely rescue a horse in a similar situation. Jane and Jango are live horses that were used to demonstrate proper restraint and handling. This important training focused on safety for the animal and rescuers during a rescue as well as how to keep the animal calm during a stressful situation.

With this training, our officers will be confident and calm to ensure a successful rescue and are better prepared to serve our community in the most safe and effective way.

Decon Training 2
Decon Training